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Nichole Oliver LPC, NCC, DAAETS

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Integrative NeuroCounseling- Nichole Oliver LPC, NCC, DAAETS, NPT-C



100 Chesterfield Business Parkway, Chesterfield, MO, USA

Nichole Oliver is a dedicated Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and National Board-Certified Counselor (NCC), specializing in crisis intervention, trauma, and PTSD for first responders, firefighters, police officers, veterans, nurses, counselors, and beyond. With a Diplomate-level credentialing from the American Academy of Traumatic Experts (DAAETS) and certifications as a Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP), and Neuropsychotherapy Certification (NPT-C) reflecting her commitment to cutting-edge knowledge.
Nichole's approach focuses on integrating the whole person – emotional, cognitive, behavioral, physiological, and spiritual dimensions – for lasting change. Utilizing practical neuroscience techniques to improve neurobiology, emotional regulation, and reduce anxiety, she bridges the gap between current challenges and a client's best-authentic self. She utilized Heart Rate Variability assessment tools and biofeedback to measure sympathetic versus parasympathetic adaptation and post traumatic growth.
With a primary goal of helping clients reduce and eliminate traumatic memories, physiological hypervigilance, and patterns of self-defeating behaviors, Nichole offers a safe and compassionate space for healing. Specializing in working with First Responder, she treats your most vulnerable information as sacred, conveying warmth and empathy throughout the therapeutic journey.
Her comprehensive toolkit includes specialized training in Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner Certification. Nichole's dedication to lifelong learning is evident in her deep dive into Somatic and Mind-Body Therapies, utilizing Attachment-Based interventions, Interpersonal Neurobiology, Memory Reconsolidation, Adaptive Disclosure Therapy, Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Polyvagal Theory for lasting healing and personal growth.
More recent training includes becoming a Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath Certified Practitioner and achieving dual certification as a Multiple Brain Integration Technique (mBIT) Coach and Certified Trainer. With a Masters of Counseling Degree from Lindenwood University and a Bachelor of Science in Business Management and Psychology from Central Methodist University, Nichole combines academic rigor with practical expertise.

Insurance Type

Anthem, BC/BS/Elevance, United Health Care, Optum Behavioral Health, TriCare, Health Link, Mercy Behavioral Health, UMR, Meritain Health Dist. #9, Multiplan, and Humana


Pro Bono?

Sliding Scale?

Services Offered 

Reduced Cost for First Responders- Out of Network- Health Savings Plan Accepted

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